07 July 2010

Now, I love to pee

But I hate when I have to do it before I can brush my teeth.

See, I have a very strict routine that my OCD makes me follow every morning and night. Teeth. Face. Urine. Wash hands. Washing my hands to be the last thing I do. That way, in the morning I feel like I'm greeting the world with clean hands, and at night, I feel like I'm going to bed with clean hands that won't make me feel weird when I sleep.

However, here's the problem. Sometimes when I'm getting ready for bed or getting up in the morning, I gotta pee. And it's like that really bad pee, where I can't wait to teeth and face first. So then I'm forced to wash my hands several times. First, after I pee, because not washing your hands after the bathroom is gross. And then again, after I've faced, so I can be off with clean hands.

Believe me, I've tried to skip the post face hand wash to save time and keep my hands less dry--doesn't happen.

My OCD hates me.

OH! But like, the worst is when I have to put like spot treatment stuff on my face. Cause that stuff smells bad, so it's once after I pee, once after face to have clean hands to put stuff on my face, and then once again to make the smell go away. I can't stop!

Damn you, world. Damn you.

That is all. Night night.

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