11 October 2009

No commandment this time

Since I am the supreme leader of this new awesome religion, I will not only give you commandments on how you should live your Sbaist life, but my thoughts on things. You're excited. I can feel it. The only problem is I have now forgotten what it is I wanted to talk about.

Oh wait.

So I was talking with my six-year-old sister on the phone today. This is what she looks like for those who don't know.

Super cute, right? I know. Anyway, so we're talking today and I go, "So Navah, any boys you like at school?"
"There's one boy who's cute," she says.
I immediately get very excited. "Really?!?! What's his name?"
"No, S.I.D."
Is this making any sense to you? It was this point I realized she was saying "S.I.E." Still totally confused I ask, "How do you say the name?"
"But like, do you pronounce it Sie? How do you say it?"
"You say it S.I. E."
This continued for several minutes until I finally gave up and said, "That's so cute! Awe, you're getting them boys Nai!"
"Yah. I know."

So basically, my first grade sister has got a man in her life. Whose name resembles something along the lines of S.I.E. Why I am not there with her to enjoy this is saddening to me. That's my cute Navah story of the day. Entourage is calling. 

1 comment:

  1. His name is Essaie! I think they are from Malasia.
